Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Catch-Up

I think we have officially recovered from our Christmas travels. The trip to Indy was a little rough. Lucy cried off and on for the first half of the trip (2 hours), then we stopped for lunch and let the girls stretch their legs a little. Both girls napped a little - Norah about an hour, Lucy about 30 minutes. Lucy cried off and on the rest of the trip. They watched Elmo Visits the Doctor, but unless Elmo was actually on the screen, she would cry.
We finally made it and the girls had a great time playing with Jackson and Janelle.
We went to church on Christmas Eve and the pastor showed a clip from The Nativity Story. Norah was totally into it. She just stared at the screen with huge eyes, sitting on the edge of her seat. At one point I leaned over to explain something to her and she looked at me and said, "I know mom." Her tone of voice made her sound much older than she really is.
We came home on Wednesday. Although we had a great time, it is always nice to get home and get back into a normal routine. The girls are enjoying playing with Christmas presents and just hanging out.