Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow!  It's hard to believe that it is 2009!  I'm not big on New Year's resolutions, but I do have a few goals in mind for 2009.  

1. Spend more time reading my Bible in front of the girls and with the girls - so they see that it is an important part of my life.
2. I'd like to make it through the next 3 weeks of pregnancy with few issues - although my back hurts these days about 24/7.
3.  Get back into a good school routine with Norah before the baby comes - only this half of the year we will be using mostly Charlotte Mason techniques.
4. I would really like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and back into a good workout routine.  
5. I want to get our basement organized somehow. . .and encourage the girls to help keep it that way.  Now, it is such a mess that they don't even want to be down there. 
6. Add Spanish lessons to the girls' schedule a couple of times a week using Foreign Language Friends.
7. Once the baby comes and we're settled into a routine, I want to bake with the girls once a week.
8. Have a tea party with the girls once a month - I would love to get a tea set to use regularly with them.
9. Survive my 30th birthday - while being pregnant - in a couple of weeks!!
10. Finally, I want to keep a photo a day blog.  We have a new camera that I am excited to learn about and I shouldn't have any reason NOT to post one picture a day.  Head over here to check out my first post!  

I'm sure I could just keep listing things, but I think 10 goals is plenty!!

Happy New Year!