Saturday, June 18, 2011

VBS & Swim Lessons

Last week was about the craziest yet! Norah and Lucy had VBS all week and they had a blast. I enjoyed several mornings alone with just Daphne. On Monday morning she and I came straight home to play after dropping off Norah and Lucy at the church. She had a snack and then we played for 2 hours straight. When it was time to head back to the church, I said, "Daphne, it's time to go." She replied, "Where, Mom?" I said, "To church to get the big girls." She replied with a giggle, "Oh, uh got (forgot)." I thought it was funny that in a couple of hours she had forgotten about picking up Norah and Lucy!! The girls have been singing their songs constantly!! It is so cute!!
The girls also finished up their swim lessons. Everyone was a bit nervous - they always are at the beginning of the season - but they ended up doing fantastic!! The first week was HOT! I think it was about 100 degrees even at 7 p.m. The second week was the opposite - it was cloudy and cold, with the threat of rain each day. The goal of Daphne's class was obviously to get them comfortable with the water. She has no problem with that but she can't be in the next class until she is 3. One of us had to get in the water with her - so Kevin and I took turns.
This picture is appropriate after the week of rain we had. Everyday we wondered if we would actually have swim lessons.

The goals of Lucy's class are to get the kids to start swimming with their faces under the water, to practice kicking and to introduce arm movements. She did great with the kicking and the arms, but was not interested in putting her face under until the last day. She did great and is excited to swim more this summer!

The goals of Norah's class are to continue practicing basic swimming strokes, learning to tread water in the deep end, building confidence and, apparently, jumping off the diving board. We didn't know that jumping off the diving board was part of the class until the end of the first week Norah's teacher made her jump off. Norah walked to the end - refused to jump so the swim team coach came up behind her and dropped her in the water (she quickly told Norah what she was going to do before she actually did it). I was stunned - to say the least. I really didn't think that at 7 - that it was absolutely necessary to force her to jump off. By the second week, though, Norah was confident enough to jump off by herself multiple times.

For Father's Day we went to the Aquaport. We bought a voucher through Living Social and for 4 people it was a great deal. Despite the crazy amount of rain we have had over the last week, this afternoon was beautiful!! Great day for the pool!!

This week is going to be a little more relaxing - hopefully.