Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We Did It!

Yesterday was my first full day alone with all three girls.  It actually went fairly well.  There were a couple of moments when I was feeding Daphne, and the big girls were downstairs playing/fighting.  Luckily, they were able to work things out without me intervening.  Daphne and Lucy napped at the same time - yes, that's right Lucy actually napped!!!!!  Norah watched Cinderella in our bed while I dosed off for a little while.  

So far, things are going well so far.  Daphne is napping in her bed - which is great!  The girls and I did a light bright picture, read some books and made some jello (for a color mixing project later).  I also was able to get some laundry going.  Even if the rest of the day is chaos - atleast we accomplished a couple of things.  

I want to get back into the groove of doing school with Norah, but the basement is a disaster!  My mom is coming later today for a couple of days, so I am hoping she can help me make sense of the mess so we have a place to have school next week!  I am going to aim for 3 days.  We'll see.