Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pre-K Planning

Now that most of Norah's school stuff is planned out (actually, I only plan about 8 weeks at a time - about 6 weeks in, I will work on the second 8 weeks), I am working on plans for Lucy.

I am using My Father's World for most of Lucy's stuff, but I am adding in a handful of ideas from 1+1+1=1 Raising Rock Stars Preschool.

I decided to use this for art for Norah and am going to use the kindergarten ideas so Lucy can do it with us. I think it should work for both of them - since it is right between where they actually are in school. I am really excited about this curriculum. Once we work through the first several lessons that she suggests starting with, we will use some of the other kindergarten art lesson ideas. I think the girls will love it and I love that it walks me through the lesson! In addition, we will be browsing through this book and some others in the series.

Lucy will also participate in science with us. Even if she isn't that interested in the books we read with each topic - I think she will really like the hands-on lessons.

I will also throw in some math games and manipulatives for her - I put together this scope and sequence for Norah last year and she was able to do everything rather quickly, so I will probably start using it with Lucy a little this year.

Oh, I also bought this book for our PE lessons - I should get it in the mail today and I am very excited to look through it!!

Lucy will also hang out with us while we do our read-alouds, Bible reading, and character study.

I am going to be pretty flexible with Lucy - she won't have school everyday. She will do school a couple of days a week and then on the other days she can join us as she wants to.

Next up: Tot school ideas for Daphne and Baby C.